Monday, January 3, 2011

Bring it on 2011!!!

Wow! I truly cannot believe that it is already 2011, and how horrible I am at this blogging thing... Well, anyway, shall we get on with it?

The year of 2010 was a wonderful year. We were able to rent a car for the first time (Aaron turned 25!); celebrated our second wedding anniversary (we are an old married couple now, hooray!); got to go to Disneyland for the first time (we were down in Cali for a med school interview and got stuck in Orange County); Aaron's brother got married (Welcome to the family Stephanie!); my niece, Kiera, graduated from high school; Aaron was accepted to med school (!!!!!); we went on a missions trip to Uganda, Africa (AAAAMAZING!); Aaron's mom came down from Alaska and we went to Leavenworth for the first time (I think I want to move there when we have children); I became a Master Trainer at 24 Hour Fitness; I had a TON of medical tests done and we found out my stomach issues that have bothered me for the past TEN years (PRAISE GOD!); and above all of these things we have grown in our marriage and unity, and have fallen more in love with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Yes, 2010 was a busy and eventful year, but so worth it. I have learned that life will always happen, but I do not have to live in anxiety, fear, worry, stress, depression, busyness. I can choose peace that goes beyond any of my understanding. There will be obstacles, but sometimes those obstacles are to grow us and develop our character. So instead of allowing anxiety, fear, worry or whatever it may be hovering over my head, I choose to REJECT it. If I choose to accept it, in the end, it will have been just wasted time. Sorry, but I have wasted enough days of my young life, I'm through! :) (If you're wondering how to have this peace that is SO amazing, please, just ask! I'd be more than happy to share, plus there's SO much to go around :)

Too often, I am hoping and striving to have what was in the past. Wanting friendships to never change, but to always have a "best friends forever"; my relationship with Aaron to be like it was when we were first hit by cupid; to have an imagination and tons of energy as I did when I had 3 recesses a day, but things change and people grow. I believe I feel this way because I was created for eternity. I was not meant to say goodbye or have my child-like faith stomped on, but this world is broken, and things happen. A quote that really made me think about this was by the famous C.S. Lewis in the book: Chronicles of Narnia, "Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." So while I will miss 2010, this year I choose to live in 2011, and to be excited for the things to come. New adventures, new obstacles, new mysterious, new friendships, and a deeper relationship with the One Who gave me life. I will never be the same again. I am changing everyday and that is okay.

So as the new year of 2011 comes, I choose to have minimal expectations (no expectations will never happen for me, plus I am a goal setter :). I choose NOT to plan every day of the month, but to rather to take each day at a time, praying and walking in God's peace that goes beyond my comprehension. I choose LIFE! Bring it on 2011!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're a very encouraging girl. I'm blessed to know you :) I love that quote from Narnia too!! -Caron
